GFFC and friends - Webinar

GFFC AND FRIENDS - Webinar - International

Mittwoch, 07.07.2021  21:00 Uhr (CET) - International - OCD Lesions - English-language webinar

"In July, we will discuss osteochondral lesions of the talus. While microfracture is still the golden standard for small lesions, larger or recurrent lesions are challenging for foot and ankle surgeons. I am pleased that two international experts will share their experience with us. Dr. Federico Usuelli, chief of Foot and Ankle Orthopedics at Humanitas San Pio X Milan, Italy, will discuss bone edema and its impact on regeneration. Second, Niek can Dijk (former head of the Orthopaedic Department of the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam, now FIFA Medical Centres of Excellence in Madrid (Clinic Ripoll) and Porto (Clinica de Dragão)) will show us the episealer, a concept for advanced and recurrent osteochondral lesions he is currently working at.

Markus Walther and Hartmut Stinus will moderate the GFFC and friends webinar.

Everybody interested in managing foot and ankle disorders is welcome to join GFFC and friends' webinars! Feel free to share this invitation with others who might be interested in this topic.
Sharing knowledge and improving patient care in foot and ankle disorders - this is the vision of GFFC!

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* Quelle: Website GFFC e.V.
